Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Random blog 1

i like these smileys (: they are backwards like me. i have about twenty seven fish. and i think one has eggs but i'm not sure... ? i think the world would be better if more people burst out into song and dance. penguins walk funny. brittish accents are cutee!!! well actually any different accents are. my sister likes the incredibles. 101 dalmations the cartoon made me cry. my stepbrother was afraid of the flying monkeys in the wizard of oz. my dads favourite tv show is the boondocks. i like small schools where you know a lot of people better than highschools when there are hundreds that you never even see. Dani Liz is my bffl. and Lauren Marie. fun times are the greatest. music makes fun times. la la la. that reminds me of a song. my ashlee simpson. its good. though she is terrible at singing. (: thats all for now.

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